Geometric figures

Importance of geometric figures

Importance of geometric figures

The importance of geometric figures in our lives is undeniable. Since ancient times, they have been an integral part of the world around us and how we understand it. Whether in nature, architecture, art or technology, geometric figures play a fundamental role.

Below we show some examples that illustrate the importance of geometric figures in different fields of daily life.

Natural world

Let's start with the natural world. From the hexagonal patterns on honeycombs to the spiral of a snail shell, geometric figures are present everywhere.

The symmetry, proportion and regularity that these shapes represent are fundamental to understanding the structure and functioning of our environment.


  • Solar System: The orbits of the planets around the Sun follow elliptical paths, which are a fundamental geometric shape in astronomy. These orbits are determined by the interaction of gravity and Kepler's laws of planetary motion.
  • Honeycomb: Honeycombs are composed of hexagonal cells, which maximize space and efficiency in storing honey and pollen.
  • Snail shells: Many snail shells exhibit a logarithmic spiral, known as a Fibonacci spiral, which is found in numerous natural structures.
  • Crystals: Mineral crystals can have perfectly defined geometric shapes, such as cubes, octahedrons or prisms, due to the regular arrangement of their atoms.


In architecture, geometric figures are the basis of all design. From circles and straight lines in modern architecture to arches and vaults in classical architecture, these shapes not only provide aesthetics, but also functionality and stability.

Architects use geometric principles to create buildings that are visually attractive and structurally sound.


Sagrada Familia of Barcelona

  • The dome of the Pantheon in Rome: This dome, built in the 2nd century AD, is an iconic example of a hemispherical structure, based on the geometric shape of the circle.
  • The Eiffel Tower in Paris: The structure of the Eiffel Tower is made up of steel elements that form a series of geometric patterns, including triangles and parabolic arches.
  • Gaudí's Sagrada Familia (Barcelona): Antoni Gaudí's architecture, like the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, ​​is filled with complex geometric shapes, including cones, spirals, and organic shapes inspired by nature.


In art, geometric figures have been a source of inspiration since time immemorial. From the simple shapes in cave paintings to the complex cubist compositions of the 20th century, artists have used geometry to express ideas and emotions.

Geometric figures can convey order, balance, harmony or even chaos, depending on how they are used.


  • Mondrian Paintings: Artist Piet Mondrian was known for his abstract paintings that feature straight lines and blocks of primary color, creating balanced geometric compositions.
  • Calder Sculptures: Alexander Calder created kinetic sculptures that feature simple geometric shapes, such as circles and triangles, suspended in the air and constantly moving.
  • Islamic Mosaics: Islamic architecture is adorned with intricate geometric mosaics depicting complex patterns, based on tiles that form stars, hexagons and octagons.

Technology and engineering

In technology, geometric figures are essential for the design and manufacturing of almost everything around us. From the integrated circuits in our electronic devices to the structures of skyscrapers to the design of solar panels, geometry plays a crucial role in product development and systems engineering.

Designers use 3D modeling software based on geometric principles to create virtual prototypes of products before they are physically built.


  • Microchips: Microchips used in electronic devices are designed with integrated circuits that follow precise geometric patterns, such as squares and rectangles, to facilitate data transfer and device functionality.
  • Skyscrapers: Modern skyscrapers are designed with geometric structures that maximize space efficiency and structural strength, using shapes such as triangles, rectangles and trapezoids.
  • 3D modeling software: Computer-aided design (CAD) applications use geometric figures such as points, lines, and polygons to create virtual models of products before physical manufacturing.


In addition to their practical importance, geometric figures also have deep symbolic meaning in many cultures.

For example, the circle is commonly associated with unity and wholeness, while the triangle can represent the trinity or duality. These geometric symbols are used in religious rituals, passing ceremonies, and cultural artifacts such as amulets or talismans.


  • Australian Aboriginal Art: Traditional Australian Aboriginal rock paintings and designs often incorporate geometric patterns, such as wavy lines, concentric circles and angular shapes, which convey stories, myths and connections to the land.
  • Mandala: Originating in Buddhist and Hindu tradition, the mandala is a complex geometric design that represents the universe and is used as a tool for meditation and spiritual expression. These symmetrical designs often include circles, squares, and floral shapes.
  • Mayan and Aztec Art: The Mayan and Aztec civilizations of Mesoamerica created art that incorporated geometric patterns in the form of glyphs, hieroglyphs, and architectural motifs. These geometric designs had religious and ceremonial meanings, and adorned temples, palaces, and ritual objects.


In the educational field, the study of geometric figures is important for the development of spatial and abstract thinking in students.

Through activities such as model building, problem solving and pattern exploration, children and young people learn to visualize and manipulate objects in space, which is essential for success in fields such as mathematics, engineering and the architecture.


  • Building blocks: Children use building blocks of different geometric shapes, such as cubes, cylinders, and prisms, to develop spatial thinking skills and learn about the relationship between shapes.
  • Geoboard: Educational tool that consists of a board with nails where elastic bands can be placed to create geometric shapes and explore concepts such as area, perimeter and symmetry.
  • Tangram: A Chinese puzzle game consisting of seven geometric pieces (five triangles, a square and a rhomboid) that can be rearranged to form different shapes, helping to develop problem-solving and spatial geometry skills.
Publication Date: April 15, 2024
Last Revision: April 15, 2024