Effects of electricity on the environment

Electricity is responsible for transporting energy from the point where energy is generated to the point where it is used. Thanks to it we have light and we can operate most of the electrical appliances in our houses. Likewise, it is used in multiple industrial applications.

This energy transport capacity has become the most widespread means of transport for energy in electricity networks. It is one of the most widespread means of transport for information in telecommunications.

The demand for electrical energy and the increase in energy consumption has increased exponentially. This growth has caused serious problems for the environment and has forced the scientific community to seek solutions.

What are the effects of electricity on climate change?

Electricity itself has no influence on climate change. The way in which it is created or used does have an influence.

In its early days, electricity was generated solely by burning fossil fuels. The amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere grew exponentially.

In recent years scientists have realized how detrimental it is for global warming to continue at this rate. And alternatives have begun to be developed and used. It is at this moment when renewable energies appear:

Some examples of renewable energy sources to generate electricity are:

  • Solar energy.

  • The eolic energy.

  • Hydraulic power.

  • Geothermal energy.

Emissions of greenhouse gases

Most of the electricity is generated using fossil fuels (mainly coal and natural gas). The vast majority of the vehicles that circulate on our roads use heat engines, that is, they consume petroleum derivatives and emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.

The environmental impact of these emissions affects the climate change that we are experiencing on the planet. The gases emitted remain in the atmosphere and do not allow the solar radiation that bounces off the Earth's surface to return to space.

What is acid rain?

Another environmental consequence is the presence of acid rain.

Acid rain is all types of meteorological precipitation (snow, rain, hail, fog, etc.) in which there is a decrease in the pH value of the rain due to air pollution with acidic oxides. Typically these pollutants are sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides

Acid rain causes these pollutants to return to the soil, affecting crops and food quality.

What is an electrical charge?

Electricity is the movement of an electrical charge through a conductor.

Electric charge is the physical property of matter that causes it to experience a force when placed in an electromagnetic field.

Electric charge is a fundamental property associated with subatomic particles. This property follows the law of conservation of energy and determines its behavior before electromagnetic interactions.

Publication Date: September 8, 2021
Last Revision: September 8, 2021