Technology and electronics are pillars of our modern lives. From historic advances such as the War of the Currents to innovations such as Stirling engines, this section covers how the devices that make our daily lives easier work and the concepts that make them possible.

Induction hobs: operation and efficiency
Discover how induction cooktops work and their high energy efficiency compared to gas stoves and electric cookers. Learn about their advanced technology, energy savings and benefits in the modern kitchen..
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Difference between electricity and electronics
Description of the main differences between electricity and electronics through their definition and basic concepts..
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War of the currents: a battle for electrification
The war of the currents is a term for the fight between the manufacturers of the two different power systems, alternating current and direct current in the United States..
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Motor Stirling
A Stirling engine is a thermal machine based on the heating and cooling of a gas. It was invented as an alternative to the steam engine..
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