
Transformation of energy

Examples of temperature in day to day

Examples of temperature in day to day

Temperature is a physical quantity that depends on the average kinetic energy of the particles in an object. With it, we can express the perceptions of heat and cold.

Temperature is measured with thermometers, which we can calibrate in relation to various temperature scales. The most widely used scales are the Celsius scale, the Kelvin scale and the Fahrenheit scale.

The unit for measuring temperature in the international system of units is the kelvin (K) (although some authors refer to the degree kelvin, the kelvin is not a degree). The degrees Celsius (ºC) are also used and in some Anglo-Saxon countries the degree Fahrenheit (ºF).

The kelvin is a unit of absolute temperature since the 0 on its scale coincides with the absolute zero that no substance can reach.

Freezing point temperature of water

The freezing temperature of water is: 0 degrees Celsius (ºC), 273 kelvin (K), 32 degrees Fahrenheit (º F).

However, these data may vary slightly depending on the pressure to which it is subjected and the impurities it may have.

At the same time, the ice turns into water where the temperature coincides with the freezing point.

Human body temperature

It is considered that the normal body temperature of humans is about 36.8 degrees Celsius (° C).

Numerous studies have been conducted in this regard and, depending on the sources, several possible "normal" temperatures have been indicated. Recent studies indicate a temperature between 35 and 36.9 ° C, with some individual variability. 

Boiling point temperature of water

The point at which water boils at sea level is 100 degrees Celsius (ºC). At this level, the pressure is one atmosphere.

This record may vary if the pressure or purity of the water changes.

The boiling point is the temperature at which a chemical element or compound goes from a liquid to a gaseous state, under certain pressure conditions.

Temperature at the core of the Sun

The temperature in the solar core is 15,700,000 kelvin (K).

The solar core is the innermost part of the Sun and consequently has the highest temperature level. Within it, nuclear fusion reactions take place, responsible for the production of the Sun's energy, its brightness and, ultimately, the sustenance of life on Earth.

Earth's core temperature

The core of the Earth is at a temperature above 4,000ºC, 4237K or 7,232ºF.

The core, presumably, consists of an iron-nickel alloy with a mixture of other siderophilic elements. The depth of occurrence is 2900 km. The mean radius of the sphere is 3500 km. 

Refrigerator temperature

The ideal temperature for the refrigerator is 3 ° C, 37.4ºF. For the freezer, the ideal temperature is –19 ° C, -2.2ºF.

Temperature at which steel melts

Steel melts at a temperature of around 1375ºC.

However, this melting point depends on the type of alloy and the composition. The melting temperature of iron is 1510 ° C in its pure state, which is its main component.

Data de publicació: October 6, 2021
Última revisió: October 6, 2021